New digs

First off, thanks to my sweetie for the new site design. His original photography, keen eye for color and html talent have really spiffed things up around here.

So since we have new digs here at repurpose, I got to thinking about our actual dwelling place. We moved in just under a year ago and have been remodeling, painting, and rearranging ever since. It seems like an endless process and if I am at all like my mother, it will be. She is constantly updating and changing her home. That is what keeps it fresh and new. Some people buy a new seasonal wardrobe, but in my family you buy paint and tile.

One of the best things we've done is on one of our living room walls. B saw a similar idea in a magazine and we adapted it for our needs. It is actually quite simple, but makes a major impact on our huge walls, which are 17 feet high.

It is thrifted frames (most cost between $2- $5) and fabric from Kaffe Fasset, who is one of my favorite designers.


Jennifer said…
Beautiful shot of your fabric wall. I especially like the light in the one with the chair...and it makes me want to frame some of my fabric, too. We've been in our house four years and still have mostly blank walls. How sad...
Alexa said…
This is a great idea. I may have to steal it for my own--we have tall, bare white walls right now ourselves.

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