Repurposed Germs

Thanks to the germy middle-schoolers I spend my days with, I have been the proud owner of a lovely sickness for the last week. Now I've had students with stuffy noses, runny noses, sore throats, aches and pains, fevers, and chest-ripping coughs. I've taken all of their symptoms and repurposed them into my own brand of sick. I've got a scratchy throat, watery eyes, and the sneezes. Being under the weather is yucky. I'm sick (literally and figuratively) of blowing my nose, clearing my throat and the constant ringing in my left ear.

This is one case where I don't condone or recommend recycling, reusing or repurposing.


Excuse me.


African Kelli said…
Man, such a bummer Cricket! I'm sorry to hear you are under the weather. Hopefully you get this winter cold out of your system now before any of the holidays kick in!

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