Spring is Sprung
Spring is here and we have been enjoying ourselves outside. The zoo, the new tricycle and Oscar's new Vans have been getting a ton of use.
I've also been busy editing my young adult novel, which I hope to send out by the end of the month, and attempting to become a runner. I'm going slowly with the running as I have a previous knee injury thanks to one crazy night at a disco and a history of shin splints, not to mention plantars fascitis and orthotics. It's going well so far and I hope to do a 5k in the near future.
On the making and creating front, I've been playing around with several new ideas. Once my novel is edited and out the door, I plan to share.
As for repurposing, check out this very cool, very green new blog: Sew Green
I've also been busy editing my young adult novel, which I hope to send out by the end of the month, and attempting to become a runner. I'm going slowly with the running as I have a previous knee injury thanks to one crazy night at a disco and a history of shin splints, not to mention plantars fascitis and orthotics. It's going well so far and I hope to do a 5k in the near future.
On the making and creating front, I've been playing around with several new ideas. Once my novel is edited and out the door, I plan to share.
As for repurposing, check out this very cool, very green new blog: Sew Green