Simon Says

Simon moved in over the weekend and Simon says that he NEEDS the big bedroom and he NEEDS a bath drawn for him each night and he MUST have Laughing Cow cheese wedges or he WILL JUST DIE. He's bossy and a bit dramatic, but he's also pretty darn cute. So we are letting him stay...for now.

(This is adapted from an original drawing of mine. She/he can be a bear or a bunny, depending on the end you have up. I hope to post a free pattern of her/him soon for all to use and enjoy. If I can fiqure out how to make it happen, that is. Until then, if you MUST have a Simon* pattern, just drop me a note with your name and mailing address to repurpose(at)gmail(dot)com and I'd be happy to send one on the way to you, pronto.)

*Let it be noted that I cannot guarantee that your Simon will not take over your life and home. Nor can I guarantee that your Simon will enjoy Laughing Cow cheese wedges.)


Jennifer said…
I can't have a Simon, beacuse I cannot risk having to share my Laughing Cow cheese! But he's ADORABLE! Seriously! You drew that? Then made it in 3-D form? I am among greatness.
Anonymous said…
Is it weird that I identify so strongly with a plush toy? I hope not. Now, I MUST stop reading blogs and have a fudgesicle.
Anonymous said…
I just linked to you from Alexa, and I think I'm gonna like it here.

Plus, I used to live in Moorhead, so we're, like, soul-sisters. Or something.
Anonymous said…
Baby Wold wants Simon to live with him/her. I've started stocking up on Laughing Cow cheese in preparation.

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